perm filename FL2.OLL[1,PMP] blob sn#008028 filedate 1971-08-10 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
                |  START   |
                |   HERE   |                      ___________________________
                |          |                      | Types of cycles:        |
                ____________                      |    DUMP-2        ST-CHK |
                     |                            |    C-I/O         I-FET  |
                     ↓                            |    CACHE-DUMP    E-FET  |
        __________________________________        |    READ-AROUND   E-STO  |
        | Type-of-cycle Requests stable  |........|    M-STO                |
        __________________________________        ___________________________
______________________           __________________________________                                     
| Solve type-of-cycle |          | Accept E-STO and ST-CHK RQ's   |        _____________________________
|   priority.         |..........| only if Memory interface       |        | Accept I/O RQ's only if   |
|     {latch -- B1C0} |          | (control) read section is free |........| the last cycle was not    |
_______________________          | and the last cycle was not an  |        | an I/O cycle that missed. |
        |                        | I-FET or E-FET that missed.    |        _____________________________
        |                        |  (otherwise ignore these RQ's) |
        |                        __________________________________
| Select         |_________________________________________________________________________________________________     
|    Address     |       |         |            |                     |            |        |       |             |     
__________________       |DUMP-2   |C-I/O       |CACHE-DUMP           |READ-AROUND |I-FET   |E-STO  |ST-CHK       |E-FET
        |                ↓∨ M-STO  |            ↓                     |            ↓        |       |             |     
        |      __________________  |      ___________________         |   _______________   |       |             |     
        |      | from           |  |      | from C-D        |         |   | from APCL   |   | ___________         |     
        |      | FETCH Register |  |      | Address         |         |   |  (I-BOX)    |   | |         |         |     
        |      |--------        |  |      |-------          |         |   _______________   | |ST-CHK   |ST-CHK   |     
        |      | if DUMP-2 then |  |      | if "DUMP-NOT-   |         |                     | |from     |from     |     
        |      | invert bit 34. |  |      | DONE"(from last |         |                     | |E-STO    |MA       |     
        |      | if M-STO ∧     |  |      | cycle):         |         |                     ↓ ↓         ↓         ↓     
        |      | M-STO #1 then  |  |      | Direct from C-D |         |              ______________   ________________
        |      | bit 34 = 0.    |  |      | register.       |         ↓              | from E-STO |   | from MA      |
        |      | if M-STO ∧     |  |      | if "¬DUMP-NOT-  |    _________________   | register   |   |  (I-BOX)     |
        |      | M-STO #2 then  |  |      | DONE":          |    |  (no address  |   ______________   ________________
        |      | bit 34 = 1.    |  |      | from C-D reg.   |    |     needed)   |                                    
        |      __________________  |      | plus 1(in bit   |    _________________                                    
        ↓                          |      |  33; i.e.       |                                                         
___________________                ↓      |  plus 4)        |                                                         
| hold selected   |        ____________   ___________________                                                         
| address in CAL  |        | from I/O |                                                               
| {latch C1A0}    |        |  address |                                                               
_____________________      ____________                                                                 
| memory (cache)    |                                                                                  
| starts to select  |                                                             
| addressed word.   |                                                             
| set C-D OPER         |_______________________________                                    
| according to whether |          |                   |                                    
| or not this is a     |          |ELSE               |CACHE-DUMP                          
| CACHE-DUMP type of   |          |                   |∨ DUMP-2 ∧ CACHE-DUMP(on last cycle)
| cycle.               |          |                   |                                    
________________________          ↓                   ↓                                    
        |                   ________________    ________________
        |                   | C-D OPER ← 0 |    | C-D OPER ← 1 |
        |                   ________________    ________________
        |                           |
        |¬CACHE-DUMP                |CACHE-DUMP
        |                           |
        |                           ↓  
        |                _________________________________________
        |                | if "¬DUMP-NOT-DONE"(from last cycle): |
        |                | increment CACHE-DUMP register by 1    |
        |                | (in bit 33; i.e. by 4)                |
        |                _________________________________________
        |                             |                                           
        |                             |                                           
| select cache |_______________________________________________________________________________→ else no matter
| input data.  |              |                        |                              |
|   {by A0}    |              |M-STO                   |READ-AROUND                   |E-STO
________________              |                        |                              |
        |                ______________           _______________                     |
        ↓                |            |           |             |                     ↓
________________         |M-STO #1    |M-STO #2   |fetch        |fetch         _________________
| load CAL LB  |         |            -------¬    |register     |register      | E-BOX         |
| SPECIAL from |         ↓  ↓----------------+----- 34(0)       ↓34(1)         | store data    |
|  CAL 35 {A}  |   ____________              |          ____________           | (one register |
________________   |  BUS 1   |              ----------→|   BUS 2  |           | to both words)|
        |          |  data    |                         |   data   |           _________________
        ↓          | (2 words)|                         | (2 words)|
______________     ____________                         ____________
| load       |
|    {A0}    |
| use-bit memory    |
| starts to select  |
| addressed bits.   |
 | load PASS-AROUND | 
 | LATCH  (PAL)     |____________________________________
 |    {AB0}         |           |FETCH register 35(0)   |FETCH register 35(1)
 ____________________           |                       |
        |                       ↓                       ↓
        |              _________________________  _________________________
        |              | from CACHE STORE DATA |  | from CACHE STORE DATA |
        |              |    EVEN WORD          |  |    ODD WORD           |
        |              _________________________  _________________________
        |                       |
        |¬READ-AROUND           |READ-AROUND
        |                       |
        |                       ↓
        |              ______________________
        |              | READ-AROUND RQ←0   |
        |              ______________________
        |                       |
        |                   |
        |¬M-STO             |M-STO
        |                   |
        |                   ↓
        |      _______________________
        |      | Do write cycle in   |
        |      | appropriate parts   |
        |      | of Cache: in all    |_____________________________________________________________              
        |      | cases, do write in  |   |                    |     |                    |        |
        |      | only the memory     |   |(M-STO#1            |     |(M-STO#2            |        |M-STO NEW ADDRS
        |      | selected by "M-STO  |   |∧ #0 M-WRITE OK)    |     |∧ #2 M-WRITE OK)    |        |
        |      | MEM-SEL" register.  |   |∨ M-STO NEW ADDRS   |     |∨ M-STO NEW ADDRS   |        |
        |      _______________________   |                    |     |                    |        |
        |                 |              |    -----------------     |       --------------        |
        |                 |              |    |                     |       |                     |
        |                 |              |    |(M-STO#1             |       |(M-STO#2             |
        |                 |              |    |∧ #1 M-WRITE OK)     |       |∧ #3 M-WRITE OK)     |
        |←-----------------              |    |∨ M-STO NEW ADDRS    |       |∨ M-STO NEW ADDRS    |
        |                                |    ↓                     |       ↓                     |
        |                                | _____________________    |  _____________________      |
        |                                | |  Do write in ODD  |    |  |  Do write in ODD  |      |
        |                                | | half of data part |    |  | half of data part |      |
        |                                | | and addrs WORD #1 |    |  | and addrs WORD #3 |      |
        |                                ↓ _____________________    ↓  _____________________      ↓
        |                     _____________________        _____________________            ______________________
        |                     |  Do write in EVEN |        |  Do write in EVEN |            |  Do write in addrs |
        |                     | half of data part |        | half of data part |            | WORDS #0,1,2,3.    |
        |                     | and addrs word #0 |        | and addrs WORD #2 |            ______________________
        |                     _____________________        _____________________ 
        |                    |
        |¬E-STO              |E-STO
        |                    |
        |                    ↓
        |       ____________________________
        |       |  Do write in appropriate |
        |       | parts of Cache: in all   |__________________________________________________________
        |       | cases, do write in only  |              |                                          |
        |       | the memory selected by   |              |E-STO ADDRS 35(0)                         |E-STO ADDRS 35(1)
        |       | "E-STO MEM-SEL" register |              |∨ E-STO NEW ADDRS                         |∨ E-STO NEW ADDRS
        |       ____________________________              ↓                                          ↓
        |                     |                     _____________________                  _____________________
        |                     |                     |  Do write in EVEN |                  |  Do write in ODD  |
        |←---------------------                     | word of data part |                  | word of data part |
        |                                           _____________________                  _____________________
        |                                                    |                                     |
        |                                                    |                                     |
        |                           __________________________                  _______________________ 
        |                           |E-STO ADDRS 34(0)   |E-STO ADDRS 34(1)     |E-STO ADDRS 34(0)    |E-STO ADDRS 34(1)
        |                           |∨ E-STO NEW ADDRS   |∨ E-STO NEW ADDRS     |∨ E-STO NEW ADDRS    |∨ E-STO NEW ADDRS
        |                           ↓                    ↓                      ↓                     ↓ 
        |                  _________________     _________________      _________________    _________________
        |                  |  Do write in  |     |  Do write in  |      |  Do write in  |    |  Do write in  |
        |                  | addrs WORD #0 |     | addrs WORD #1 |      | addrs WORD #2 |    | addrs WORD #3 |
        |                  _________________     _________________      _________________    _________________
|  Set up gating on |
| Cache Output Data |_______________________________________
| Latches.          |       |Read-Around(late)             |
_____________________       |∨ (E-STO(late)                |ELSE
          |                 |∧ Store-Through(late))        |
          |                 |                              |
          |                 ↓                 _________________________
          |        ___________________        |                       |
          |        | CODL EVEN ← PAL |        |CAL LB SPECIAL(0)      |CAL LB SPECIAL(1)
          |        | CODL ODD  ← PAL |        |                       |
          |        ___________________        |                       |
          ↓                                   ↓                       ↓
____________________________       _________________________  _________________________
|  USE-BITs and #x INVALID |       | CODL EVEN ← 4x72 EVEN |  | CODL EVEN ← 4x72 ODD  |
| bits come out of use-bit |       | CODL ODD  ← 4x72 ODD  |  | CODL ODD  ← 4x72 EVEN |
| mem      {B0}            |       _________________________  _________________________
| Address comes out of Map and     |
| addresses and NEEDWRITE bits and |
| Mx Wy INVALID bits come out of   |
| addrs part of Cache.             |
|              {late B0}           |
             |                                  __________________________________________
             ↓                                  | DUMP-NOT-DONE                          |
_____________________________________           | ← [(M0 W0 NEEDWRITE ∨ M0 W1 NEEDWRITE  |
| form DUMP-NOT-DONE as:            |           | ∨   M0 W2 NEEDWRITE ∨ M0 W3 NEEDWRITE) |
| the OR of all the Mx Wy NEEDWRITE |           | ∧ (¬UB00 ∨ ¬UB01) ∧ ¬#0 INVALID]       | 
| bits for all y (0 to 3) and for   |...........| ∨ [(M1 W0 NEEDWRITE ∨ M1 W1 NEEDWRITE  |
| all x such that (¬#x INVALID and  |           | ∨   M1 W2 NEEDWRITE ∨ M1 W3 NEEDWRITE) |
| use bits ≠3.)                     |           | ∧ (¬UB10 ∨ ¬UB11) ∧ ¬#1 INVALID]       |
_____________________________________           | ∨ [(M2 W0 NEEDWRITE ∨ M2 W1 NEEDWRITE  |
            |                                   | ∨   M2 W2 NEEDWRITE ∨ M2 W3 NEEDWRITE) |
            |                                   | ∧ (¬UB20 ∨ ¬UB21) ∧ ¬#2 INVALID]       |
            |                                   | ∨ [(M3 W0 NEEDWRITE ∨ M3 W1 NEEDWRITE  |
            |                                   | ∨   M3 W2 NEEDWRITE ∨ M3 W3 NEEDWRITE) |
            |                                   | ∧ (¬UB30 ∨ ¬UB31) ∧ ¬#3 INVALID]       |   
            |                                   __________________________________________
            ↓                    __________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________       | if ¬C-I/O ∧ ¬ST-CHK:           | NOTE: if "DOUBLE FETCH" is                    |
|  Form selected INVALID |.......| for x=0,1,2,3:                 | true (and ¬C-I/O ∧ ¬ST-CHK) then:             |    
| signals.               |       | if CAL 34, CAL 35=y (0 to 3):  |   if CAL 34(0):                               |
__________________________       |  select→                       |     Mx INVALID=Mx W0 INVALID ∨ Mx W1 INVALID  |
           |                     | Mx INVALID=Mx Wy INVALID       |   if CAL 34(1):                               |
           |                     | if C-I/O ∨ ST-CHK:             |     Mx INVALID=Mx W2 INVALID ∨ Mx W3 INVALID  |
           |                     | Mx Wy INVALID ← 0 for all x.   |________________________________________________
           |                     __________________________________
________________________                ________________________________________________
| select by word the   |                | if x = mem for which use-bits = 3:           |
| NEEDWRITE bits based |................| Wy NEEDWRITE ← Mx Wy NEEDWRITE ∧ ¬#X INVALID |
| on use-bits =3.      |                |    for y = 0,1,2,3.                          |
________________________                ________________________________________________
           |                         _______________________________________________                      
           ↓                         | Set NEEDWRITE = (OR of Wx NEEDWRITE for     |                      
_______________________              |                                x=1 to 3)    |                      
| form NEEDWRITE and  |              | Set NEED DUMP-2 as follows:                 |                      
| NEED-DUMP-2 signals |..............|    if CAL 34(0):                            |                                 
_______________________              |     NEED DUMP-2←W2 NEEDWRITE ∨ W3 NEEDWRITE |                                 
           |                         |    if CAL 34(1):                            |                                    
           |                         |     NEED DUMP-2←W0 NEEDWRITE ∨ W1 NEEDWRITE |                                    
           |                         _______________________________________________                                    
           ↓              ________________________________________________________                                      
_________________         | for x=0,1,2,3:                                       |                                      
| Form HIT/MISS |.........| if (addrs-out of Map)=(addrs out of Cache, #x)       |                                      
| signals.      |         | ∧ ¬#x INVALID ∧ ¬C-D OPER                            |                                      
|  {formed by   |         | then #x ADDRS HIT←1; else #x ADDRS HIT←0.            |                                      
|   middle B1}  |         |-----------                                           |                                      
_________________         | #x VAL HIT←#x ADDRS HIT ∧ ¬Mx INVALID                |                                      
        |                 |-----------                                           |                                      
        |                 | #x VAL/ADDRS MISS←¬#x VAL/ADDRS HIT                  |                                      
        |                 |-----------                                           |                                      
        |                 |  If all VAL HITs are false then "VAL HIT"←0 else 1.  |                                      
        |                 |  If all ADDRS HITs are false then "ADDRS HIT←0       |                                      
        |                 | else 1.                                              |                                      
        |                 |------------                                          |                                      
        |                 |  Create "#x ADDRS HIT(L)" as follows:                |                                      
        |                 | If ADDRS HIT → #x ADDRS HIT(L)← #xADDRS HIT          |                                      
        |                 | If ADDRS MISS → #x ADDRS HIT(L)←1 for x= the         |                                      
        |                 | Memory with use-bits =3,   ←0 for other x's.         |                                      
        |                 |-----------------                                     |
        |                 |  Note: if C-D OPER:                                  |
        |                 |        all HITs are false and all MISS's are true.   |
        |                 |    except #x ADDRS HIT(L) which will be true for     |                                      
        |                 |    the memory with use-bits =3. (others false)       |                                      
        |                 ________________________________________________________                                      
__________________________________      ______________________________________________________                          
|  Select 2 of the 8 data words  |      |  This selects the 2 words for which the address    |                          
| from the Cache (4x72) based on |......| matched if there was a match, otherwise it selects |                          
| #x ADDRS HIT(L).               |      | 2 words with associated use bits =3.               |                          
__________________________________      ______________________________________________________                          
            ↓                           ___________________________________________________                             
   __________________________           | use-bit update algorithm:                       |
   | form updated use-bits. |___________| use #x ADDRS HIT(L) to select the use bits for  |
   __________________________           | the mem that hit. Let these use bits = y. (Note |
            |                           | that if ADDRS MISS is true, y=3, because        |
            |                           | #x ADDRS HIT(L) will be true for the x with use |
            |                           | bits =3).                                       |
            |                           |   Then let mem z use-bits = w.                  |
            |                           | Updated w ← if w<y then w+1;                    |
            |                           |             if w>y then w;                      |                             
            |                           |             if w=y then 0.                      |                             
            |                           ___________________________________________________                             
_______________________            ________________________________                                                     
| Select by word the  |            | if #x ADDRS HIT(L) is true:  |                                                     
| VALID               |............|  Wy VALID←¬Mx Wy INVALID     |                                                     
| bits based on #x    |            |   for y=0,1,2,3.             |                                                     
| ADDRS HIT(L).       |            ________________________________                                                     
| latch CODL     |
|        {B1C0}  |
          |                   |                                 |                                                       
          |ELSE               |(I-FET ∨ E-FET)                  |ST-CHK(LATE)                                           
          |                   |∧ MEM INT FREE                   |∨ ST-CHK ON FETCH                                      
          |                   |                                 |                                                       
          |                   |                                 |                                                       
          |                   ↓                                 ↓                                                       
          |      ______________________________________  ___________________________                                    
          |      | load "M-STO MEM-SEL" register      |  | load "E-STO MEM-SEL and |                                    
          |      | from #x ADDRS HIT(L)               |  | "E-STO NEW ADDRS"       |                                    
          |      |  as: for x=0 to 3:                 |  | as for "M-STO ...."     |                                    
          |      | M-STO MEM-SEL #x ← #x ADDRS HIT(L) |  |   ←←←(see at left)      |                                    
          |      |---------                           |  |                         |                                    
          |      | load #x M-WRITE OK from Wx VALID   |  ___________________________                                    
          |      |  as:  for x=0 to 3:                |             |                                                   
          |      | #x M-WRITE OK ← ¬Wx VALID          |             |                                                   
          |      |---------                           |             |                                                   
          |      | If ADDRS MISS then                 |             |                                                   
          |      |  M-STO NEW ADDRS←1 else 0          |             |                                                   
          |      ______________________________________             |                                                   
          |                       |                                 |                                                   
          |                       |                                               |                                     
          |ELSE                   |(I-FET ∨ E-FET ∨ CACHE-DUMP ∨ ST-CHK)          |STORE-THROUGH                        
          |                       |∧ MEM INT FREE (LATE)                          |∧ E-STO                              
          |                       |                                               |                                     
          |                       |                                               |                                     
          |                       ↓                                               ↓                                     
          |      _________________________________________________    ______________________________                    
          |      |  Set "WRITE Wx" as:                           |    |  Set "WRITE Wx" as:        |                    
          |      |     WRITE Wx←Wy NEEDWRITE                     |    | if CAL 34(0):              |                    
          |      |  With x & y from one of the following tables: |    |   WRITE W0←1 all others ←0 |                    
          |      |  ___________________________________________  |    | if CAL 34(1):              |                    
          |      | |if CAL LB SPECIAL(0) | if CAL LB SPECIAL(1)| |    |   WRITE W2←1 all others ←0 |                    
          |      | |   x     y           |   x     y           | |    |                            |                    
          |      | |   0     0           |   0     1           | |    ______________________________                    
          |      | |   1     1           |   1     0           | |                  |                                   
          |      | |   2     2           |   2     3           | |                  |                                   
          |      | |   3     3           |   3     2           | |                  |                                   
          |      | |___________________________________________| |                  |                                   
          |      |                                               |                  |                                   
          |      _________________________________________________                  |                                   
          |                               |                                         |                                   
          |                               |                                         |
          |                                     |
          |MEM INT BUSY(LATE)                   |MEM INT FREE(LATE)
          |                                     |
          |                                     ↓
          |                ________________________________________
          |                | Load FETCH REGISTER from CAL (18-35) |
          |                |                      {B}             |
          |                |                                      |
          |                | Load MEM READ ADDRS from MAP (16-26) |
          |                |                      {C0}            |
          |                ________________________________________
          |                               |
          |                              |
          |ELSE                          |(I-FET ∨ E-FET ∨ ST-CHK ∨ CACHE-DUMP)
          |                              |∧ MEM INT FREE
          |                              ↓
          |                ____________________________________
          |                | load MEM WRITE ADDRS register    |
          |                | from ADDRS OUTPUT of ADDRS part  |
          |                | of CACHE, selcted by USE-BITS =3 |
          |                |                       {C0}       |
          |                ____________________________________
          |                               |
          |                               |
          |                                   |
          |¬ST-CHK(LATE)                      |ST-CHK(LATE)
          |                                   |
          |                                   ↓
          |                ____________________________________________
          |                | Load S-C ADDRS REGISTER from CAL (16-26) |
          |                |                 {C0}                     |
          |                ____________________________________________
          |                                   |
          |                                   |
          |                                      |
          |ELSE                                  |MEM INT FREE(LATE) ∧ (I-FET ∨ E-FET)(LATE)
          |                                      |∧ VAL MISS ∧ ¬FETCH ABORT ∧ ¬MAP MISS
          |                                      |
          |                                      ↓
          |                   ___________________________________         
          |                   | Set memory control flags:       |
          |                   |  DOING READ ← 1                 |
          |                   |  MEM 0 RQ ← 1                   |
          |                   |  MEM 1 RQ ← 1                   |
          |                   |  MEM INT FREE ← 0               |
          |                   | (see mem control flow chart for |
          |                   | continuation of fetch)   {C0}   |
          |                   ___________________________________
          |                                     |
          |                                     |
          |                  ______________________________  
          |                  |                            |
          |                  |¬ADDRS MISS                 |ADDRS MISS
          |                  |∨ ¬NEEDWRITE                |∧ NEEDWRITE
          |                  |                            |
          |                  |                            ↓
          |←------------------         ____________________________
          |                            | set memory control flag: |
          |                            |   GONNA DO WRITE ← 1     |
          |                            |             {C0}         |
          |                            ____________________________
          |                                          |
          |                                          |
          |                                      |
          |ELSE                                  |(E-STO(LATE) ∧ STORE-THROUGH(LATE))
          |                                      |∨ (ST-CHK(LATE) ∧ ADDRS MISS ∧ NEDWRITE ∧ ¬MAP MISS)
          |                                      |∨ (MEM INT FREE(LATE) ∧ CACHE-DUMP(LATE) ∧ NEEDWRITE)
          |                                      ↓
          |                       _______________________________
          |                       | set memory control flags:   |
          |                       |   DOING WRITE ← 1           |
          |                       |   MEM INT FREE ← 0          |
          |                       | (see mem control flow chart |
          |                       | for continuation)   {C0}    |
          |                       _______________________________     
          |                                      |
          |                                      |
          |                                  |    
          |ELSE                              |(I-FET ∨ E-FET ∨ ST-CHK ∨ CACHE-DUMP)(LATE)    
          |                                  |∧ MEM INT FREE(LATE)    
          |                                  |∧ NEED DUMP-2    
          |                                  |∧ ¬MAP MISS    
          |                                  |∧ ADDRS MISS    
          |                                  |    
          |                                  ↓    
          |                     ___________________________
          |                     | DUMP-2 RQ on next cycle |
          |                     ___________________________
          |                                  |
          |                                  |
          |                                 |
          |ELSE                             |[(I-FET ∨ E-FET ∨ ST-CHK ∨ CACHE-DUMP)
          |                                 |∧ ¬DUMP-2 (on next cycle)]
          |                                 |∨ [ DUMP-2
          |                                 |∧ (I-FET ∨ E-FET ∨ ST-CHK ∨ CACHE-DUMP)(on last cycle)]
          ↓                                 |
 ________________                           ↓
 |   USE-BITS   |                 __________________________
 | Don`t change.|                 | write updated USE-BITs |
 ________________                 |                {C1}    |
          |                       __________________________
          |                                 |
          |                                 |
          |                     |                                                  
          |ELSE                 |M-STO                                             
          |                     |∨ E-STO ∨ CACHE-DUMP                              
          |                     |∨[DUMP-2 ∧ CACHE-DUMP (on last cycle)             
          |                     |∨ C-I/O                                           
          |                     |                                                  
          ↓                     ↓                                                  
  ______________  _______________________                                          
  | #x INVALD  |  | write selected      |                                          
  | bits don't |  | #x INVALID bits     |_____________________________________________________________________
  | change.    |  | (if any).           |   |               |                   |                            |
  ______________  | (maybe none change) |   |M-STO ∨ E-STO  |C-I/O(late)        |[CACHE-DUMP (LATE)          |CACHE-DUMP
          |       |             {C1}    |   |               |∧ I/O INVALIDATE   |∧ ¬DUMP-2 (next cycle)]     |    (LATE)
          |       _______________________   |               |   (from I/O       |∨ [DUMP-2 (LATE)            |∧ ¬DUMP-  
          |                     |           |               |    control)       |∧ CACHE-DUMP(last cycle)]   |  NOT-DONE
          |←---------------------           ↓               |                   |                            |          
          |                   _____________________         ↓                   ↓                            ↓
          |                   | write #x INVALID  |   ____________________  ____________________    ____________________
          |                   | as "VALID" for    |   | write #x INVALID |  | write #x INVALID |    | write #x INVALID |
          |                   | the x selected    |   | as "INVALID" for |  | as "INVALID" for |    | as "INVALID" for |
          |                   | by "E-STO MEM-SEL"|   | the x for which  |  | the x for which  |    | the three x's    |
          |                   | or "M-STO MEM-SEL"|   | #x ADDRS HIT is  |  | #x ADDRS HIT(L)  |    | for which        |
          |                   | depending on type |   | true (if any).   |  | is true. Others  |    | #x ADDRS HIT(L)  |
          |                   | of cycle.         |   | Others don't     |  | probably don't   |    | is not true.     |
          |                   | Don't change      |   | change.          |  | change. (see at  |    | Other x may or   |
          |                   | #x INVALID for    |   ____________________  | right).          |    | may not change   |
          |                   | other x's.        |                         ____________________    | (see at left).   |
          |                   _____________________                                                 ____________________
          |                |                                        |
          |ELSE            |E-STO(LATE)                             |DUMP-2(LATE)
          |                |∧ STORE-THROUGH(LATE)                   |∨ ((I-FET ∨ E-FET ∨ ST-CHK ∨ CACHE-DUMP)(LATE) 
          |                |                                        |   ∧ MEM INT FREE)
          |                |                                        |
          |                |                      _________________________________
          |                |                      |                               |   
          |                |                      | CAL 34(0)                     |CAL 34(1)   
          |                |                      |                               |   
          |                -----------------+-----+------------------------|      |
          |                                 |     |                        |      |
          |                                 ↓     ↓                        ↓      ↓
          |                          __________________________      __________________________
          |                          | Strobe cache data into |      | Strobe cache data into |
          |                          | store buffers.         |      | store buffers.         |
          |                          | BUF 0 ← CODL EVEN      |      | BUF 2 ← CODL EVEN      |
          |                          | BUF 1 ← CODL ODD       |      | BUF 3 ← CODL ODD       |
          |                          |{C1A}                   |      | {C1A}                  | 
          |                          __________________________      __________________________
          |                                    |                               |
          |                                    |                               |
        _____             _____________________
       /     \            | At this point you |
      |  END  |...........| are part way into |
       \     /            | the next cycle.   |
        -----             _____________________